
Reiki is pronounced "ray-key". The word "Reiki" is made up of two separate kanji.
"Rei", which means Universal and "Ki" which is spirit, energy or life force. The most common definition of Reiki is therefore “universal life energy”, but the Japanese characters can be translated as meaning “soul energy” or aura or mysterious spirit or even spiritually guided life force energy.
Some say that it is life force energy that animates all life. This universal life energy is indescribable, in all things, everywhere.

Reiki has been taught in the West since the 1970s, and it has been presented rather
like an oriental version of spiritual healing, though in its original Japanese form the
emphasis was very much on self-healing and spiritual development. Of course, the
practice of Reiki is based on working with, and channelling energy, or a spiritual
energy. This energy can be referred to as (chi). When you visit an acupuncturist
they use needles to encourage energy to flow through a series of meridians or
energy channels that run the length of your body; that energy is called 'chi'.
Reiki is balance. It works on all levels, the physical, spiritual, and emotional levels.
Reiki energizes and heals the body.
Reiki can be used on adults, children, animals, and plants. People generally like receiving Reiki and report that it is a relaxing and stress relieving process. A normal
treatment takes about 45 minutes to an hour to do. With children and animals it
generally goes much faster (they are also much less likely to sit still for an hour).

What does a Reiki treatment feel like?

Receiving Reiki is a very simple process, but usually produces quite profound effects.
The session begins by lying down on a treatment couch, fully clothed, closing your eyes and listening to gentle, soothing music, which helps to produce a
state of deep relaxation. Then the Reiki practitioner will gently rest their hands upon
you, non-intrusively, in a series of positions from the crown of the head to the feet.
Each hand position is held for a few minutes, and during this time healing energy will
flow into you, balancing your energy system, releasing stress, soothing pain, and
promoting your body's natural ability to heal itself. As the energy flows, most people
will feel warmth, or heat, or tingling from the practitioner's hands. It is usually a very
relaxing experience: some people fall asleep. Other sensations may include seeing
coloured lights or feeling as if you are floating. Sometimes people have an
emotional release, as emotional turmoil is brought to the surface and dissipated.

Reiki can help you heal and remove some blockages which might prevent you or someone else from reaching certain goals.

In my experience of treating a whole range of conditions, Reiki seems to produce fast and long-lasting results in almost all cases of:
Stress,tension,anxiety and related symptoms Sleeplessness
Emotional turmoil and discord
Feeling unable to cope
Low spirits, depression

Even when these problems have continued unresolved for years.  Usually a course of four to six Reiki treatments at weekly intervals would seem to be enough to
produce long-term beneficial changes in these areas.
Mental, emotional healing, spiritual healing, karmic healing and physical healing. Your physical body is your last line of defence. An illness first starts on the mental and emotional level and then becomes a physical illness.
Physical problems do seem to take longer to shift sometimes, but I have experienced Reiki being successful with all of the following, and others besides:

Sports injuries
Long term pain, e.g. back pain
Rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, scoliosis
Low energy levels
Headache / migraine
Stomach ache
Period pain
Earache in planes
Major and minor burns
Cuts, scars etc.